Anime Tunes

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Template Addiction

Well as many of you may already know, most blogs or forums that you may visit have crazy and intricate backgrounds we call templates. Templates are a fun and creative way to show off your blog and just plain make them look amazing. you can visit a website and download free templates and add them to your blog. Here is a step by step instructions for you to update your blogs templates.
But be warned if you do put a new template on your blog it may delete some of your gadets like your shelfari link so just make sure you can put them back on your blogs.

1. Go to

2. Scroll through the available templates and pick out the one you want to use by clicking on it.

3. Click on the orange download button.

4.Click the save button and save the template file to your 'my documents' file or just and file that you can save it to.

5.When the file is done downloading hit the cancel button and go to your 'my documents' or the file you saved your template to and click on the file.

6. Go into the file and find the XML document and right click and copy the file.

7. Hit the back button once, and paste the file outside the actual template file.

8. Go to your blogs dashbord and go to your layout page and click on edit HTML

9.In the Backup/restore template section hit the browse button

10. Got to the location where you saved your template file and right click and copy the XML document file and paste it into the bar next to the browse button.

11. Before you hit upload, make sure that the section under Edit Template is completely blank before you finish, it won't work if you don't clear it all out.

12. Your done! you should have a new template now on your blog =)

All in all this is supposed to help promote people to view and follow your blogs, so get into the addiction and in this case, follow the crowd!


Sakuraba Yuuko By: maxwindy @


Anime Freeker © 2008. Template Design By: SkinCorner